High Quality Legal Forms

Create the legal document you need in minutes!

Trusted Do-It-Yourself Legal

Do-it-yourself Cease & Desist Letter

Do-it-yourself Performance Contract

Do-it-yourself Pet Agreement
Quickly and easily draft a pet agreement that satisfies all parties.
Determine who will be the primary owner of the pet or pets.
Describe visitation rights and visitation schedule.
Identify a preferred veterinarian as well as any required medical treatments.

Do-it-yourself Purchase Agreement

Affordable Hold-Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement

Do-it-yourself Pet Agreement

Do-it-yourself Complaint Letter

Humblebee Tiny House Plan

Price $249

The Humblebee is one of our larger tiny houses. It features large, comfortable living areas, with lots of storage compartments. Unlike other tiny houses, the Humblebee also has a dedicated dining area.

To see specs in new window click on image below

***tiny dining area***

Athru Tiny House plan

ON SALE $149

The Athru is one of the most versatile tiny houses on the market. By incorporating a multi-functional living space that can act as a bedroom or living room, we were able to create a very efficient little home.

To see specs in new window click image below.

****box w/loft brown***

Blue Jay Tiny House Plan

ON SALE $149

Originally designed for a self-employed couple who work in the creative industries, the Blue Jay Tiny House features a spare room that's perfect for a home office or hobby space.

To see specs in new window click on image below

***longer, bigger box with loft****

BRV1 Tiny House Plan

Price $149

The BRV1 was designed to create a more accessible tiny house. This house features a downstairs bedroom making it a great option for anyone that may not be able to access a sleeping loft.  

To see specs in new window click on image below

***tiny downstairs bdrm***

McGLoft Tiny Home Plan

Price: $249

The McG Loft is 20-foot tiny house with a spacious open plan layout. It's one of a few tiny houses to offer a full staircase to the sleeping loft.


To see specs in new window click on image below

***cute tiny loft on wheels***

Nook Tiny House Plan

Price $249

With a footprint of just 6'-5" by 10' the Nook is a tiny, tiny house. Designed for those that are looking to go truly small, this house makes for a great retreat or getaway cabin, and it's size also makes it super transportable.

To see specs in new window click on image below

****itty bitty 10x6***

McGLoft Tiny Home Plan

Price: $249

The McG Loft is 20-foot tiny house with a spacious open plan layout. It's one of a few tiny houses to offer a full staircase to the sleeping loft.


To see specs in new window click on image below

Click here to visit Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.

****nice on wheels-tiny home***